Friday, July 4, 2008

James & Kendra | Headshots

Sometimes I'm amazed at how many incredibly talented people I've been lucky enough to know over the years.

James is definitely in that category. He's a multi-talented musician and singer (freakin' Dallas Opera!) who's got nothing but great things ahead of him, I'm sure.

He and his wife, Kendra, contacted me about updating their headshots and getting some fun photos of them together.

one SB-28 into a 36" Photek Softlighter (which goes with me everywhere now). Reflector for fill. I like to keep it simple:

This one probably doesn't work too well as usable headshot but I dig it:

clamshell lighting:

off-camera, CTO-gelled flash. Zoomed the flash beam to isolate them. I should get around to making that snoot:

an SB-28 used as a rim light:

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